We have recently published a new CRnD Web Diagram Plus Odoo addon. It is our fork of the web_diagram addon and it comes to replace our older CRND Web Diagram Fix.
What does it do:
Applies the following Pull Request that fixes an error on the diagram view. It appears when the diagram object has 2 fields (one2many + many2one) that points to related nodes. Read more about this in our Documentation.
Adds an ability to specify background and foreground colors of nodes for Odoo diagrams (via fields).
An example of internal usage
<record model="ir.ui.view" id="some_id">
<field name="name">some_name</field>
<field name="model">model.name</field>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<node object="name.of.model"
<field name="name_of_label_field"/>
<field name="field_for_bgcolor_expr"/>
<field name="name_of_field_bg_color"/>
<field name="name_of_field_fg_color"/>
<arrow object="name.of.model"
<field name="source_field"/>
<field name="destination_field"/>
<field name="name_of_label_field"/>
CRnD Web Diagram Plus is completely free to download and use from Odoo market. It is also available on GitHub.
This addon is now part of the Bureaucrat core, and we use it in requests to create coloured diagrams of the workflow.

More information about request configuration using the diagram view you can read in our recent article.
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All Bureaucrat Helpdesk and Service Desk templates now available for Odoo v.12 on yodoo.systems