Наші Продукти
Ми пропонуємо вам наші рішення Хелпдеск, Сервіс Деск, ITSM. вони побудовані на Odoo - ERP та CRM платформі з відкритим кодом. Наші продукти складаються з основних модулів, які забезпечують роботу системи, та додатків, кожен з яких розширює основну функціональність. Основні модулі забезпечують систему управління інцидентами та інтерфейс вебсайту для подачі запитів зовнішніми користувачами. Навіть без додатків, наша система має великий спектр можливостей, таких як налаштовання типів, категорій, стадій запитів, динамічні маршрути, призначення відповідальних осіб, планування заходів, журналювання подій, внутрішній чат, налаштування кольорів відображення запитів, тощо. Ми пропонуєму чисту систему у вигляді Хелпдеск Лайт. Ви можете безкоштовно скачати її з Odoo Apps та використовувати. Всі наші додаткові модулі інтегруються між собою та можуть бути встановлені окремо або всі разом. Ми додатково згрупували набори модулів для різних рішень з різною функціональністю.
В нас є декілька рішень Хелпдеск з різними групами додатків, які можуть підійти компаніям з різними потребами. Ми також зробили декілька рішень Сервіс Деск . Сервіс Деск розширює функціональність Хелпдеску і надає значно більші можливості для сервісу. Він розроблений для обробки інцидентів та сервісних запитів.
ITSM solution combines Helpdesk and Service Desk solutions and has extra modules to provide an accomplished IT service management system according to the ITIL v.3 standard.
Our bundles are fully upgradable. Clients can easily install all available addons and upgrade their system to the required level. Our solutions are available from Odoo versions 11 to the version 16.
Якщо у вас виникли будь-які питання, звʼяжіться з нами або надішліть запит, ми з радістю вам допоможемо.
Оцініть можливості та відмінності між нашими рішеннями в порівняльній таблиці продуктів, що наведена нижче.
Хелпдеск Лайт
Welcome to Helpdesk Lite - our most basic and reliable helpdesk setup that comes completely free of cost! Our Helpdesk Lite provides incident management and a user-friendly website interface for external users to submit requests and track their status.
With Helpdesk Lite, you can configure different request types, categories, stages, and routes, as well as manually assign tasks to team members. You can plan activities and communicate with your team through internal chatter.
Our Services system offers the flexibility to create and activate as many services as required to meet your unique business needs. The Subrequest feature gives you more functionality for managing internal processes, while our Knowledge Base lets you compose and store all your company's valuable knowledge in one place.
Overall, Helpdesk Lite is an all-in-ane solution that streamlines your ticketing system and enhances your team's productivity. Try it out today and experience incident management without any difficulties!

Demo Download v.15 GitHub

Сервіс Деск
Our Service Desk is a comprehensive solution designed to meet the needs of most companies, providing incident and service management features, as well as a user-friendly website interface for external users to submit and track requests.
With customizable services, request types, categories, stages, and routes, Service Desk provides a suite of tools for managing service requests. Users can also set priorities, make manual assignments, schedule events, participate in internal chat, establish connections between requests, and link Odoo documents with requests.
Service Desk also offers advanced functionality for managing the lifecycle of requests. This includes automatic creation of requests from incoming emails, manual creation of requests with a single click, and the ability to configure canned responses for quick and easy communication.
For added convenience, our solution streamlines email request handling by automatically creating requests from incoming emails, enabling manual creation with a single click, and offering canned responses for quick communication.
Finally, Service Desk allows you to easily configure additional information fields adjusted to specific types of requests, ensuring that users can efficiently collect the necessary information to meet their unique needs.
Demo Download v.15 GitHub
Service Desk Pro
Service Desk Pro supports Service Level Agreement (SLA) and SLA Log in requests. It allows to set SLA rules for each request stage with warnings and time limits. SLA rules can be set per service. All SLA actions and events are logged and can be analyzed using SLA Reports.
In addition, Service Desk Pro provides team management capabilities, allowing you to create and assign teams to specific requests.
Users can create and assign custom todo tasks to requests, tailored to their individual needs, to maximize productivity and save time. Additionally, the Request Invoicing feature makes it easy to create invoices for completed requests, simplifying the billing process.
Service Desk Pro also includes a survey feature, allowing you to select and send surveys from a request form. Completed answers are linked to a specific request and can be seen from the request form, providing valuable feedback on the customer experience.
In summary, Service Desk Pro is an all-in-one solution for managing customer requests, improving team performance, and providing valuable insights into the customer experience. It's the perfect tool for businesses looking to take their support operations to the next level.

Service Desk Ultimate
Based on our Helpdesk Ultimate bundle with addition of service support. This bundle has the most complete set of Bureaucrat modules. It has all functionality of the previous bundles and much more additional options to automate request processing using automated actions, automated routes and custom assignments.
The Automation Action feature allows you to automate certain tasks, such as sending automatic surveys to customers on the certain stage or
assigning request to different team, when category changed.
is helps to reduce manual intervention and saves time for your support team.
Automated routes allows to set up triggers to automatically move requests by the route if certain conditions are met. Automated actions can do automatic assignments, subscription, create subrequest or perform custom programmed server action. These advanced addons can greatly automate and optimize processing of requests.
This bundle also adds ability to create custom assignment policies, provides parent / child relationship to requests (create subrequests), integration with project tasks, ability to link requests to documents and between each other, ability to reopen closed requests with a new type of request, teams, etc.
Service Desk Ultimate bundle is a service desk system designed for customers who require a high level of customization and automation in their support processes. It includes several features to help streamline support requests and ensure they are handled efficiently.
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